Due to the holidays, the Transfer Station is open TODAY (Sunday) from 10am-2pm as well as next Sunday. There will also be extended hours on Wednesday, December 29 and January 5 from noon-7pm.
From Robert Viscardi, Highway Superintendent:
1. Due to the recent wind events, the Town of Clarkson Highway Department started brush pick-up this morning and we will make one pass through town starting December 20th. Please place the brush at the road in 6’ lengths.
2. We are also accepting brush (i.e., limbs and Christmas trees; no stumps) in the concrete bin in front of the highway garage located at 3623 Lake Road. The bin is located on the N side of the wooden salt barn and is marked appropriately. Please make sure the brush is placed INSIDE the bin. The bin will be open immediately until January 9th.
3. If you have other concerns or wish to arrange for the brush trailer, please call the office @ 585-637-1132.
Good Morning Clarkson — HWY Superintendent Bob Viscardi and his crew have worked through the night and with sunrise he was better able to assess the damage in the Town. Lots of trees and limbs are down, so as you begin clean up, cut them into six foot lengths and place parallel to the road. HWY will make a pass through the Town starting the week of Monday, December 20.
He also shared that a tree took down a utility pole on Gilmore Road and that is the cause of most of the remaining power outages. We are waiting for National Grid for the tree removal and restoration of power. This may take some time to accomplish.In true Clarkson fashion we’ve already heard stories of neighbors helping neighbors.
Thank you and please stay safe!
~Christa Filipowicz
The Town of Clarkson is partnering with Monroe County to distribute COVID Test Kits this Saturday, December 11 from 9-11am at the Stanley Pogroszewski Courthouse, 3655 Lake Road.
Some rules:
– Clarkson residents only, proof of residency required
– One person per address to enter the courthouse, masks required
– One kit (contains 2 tests) per address.
There will be no exceptions.
We will be socially distancing and it looks like it may be rainy on Saturday.
We expect lines, so please dress accordingly.

Town Clerk – Susan Henshaw, will receive Town and County Taxes for the Town of Clarkson beginning January 3, 2022 through May 31, 2022 at the Clarkson Town Hall, 3710 Lake Road in the Town of Clarkson.
Mondays 8AM – 4PM
Tuesdays 8AM – 6PM
Wednesdays 8AM – 4PM
Thursdays 8AM – 4PM
Fridays 8AM – 4PM
* except holidays
In addition, the following Saturdays in 2022 from 9AM – noon: January 8, 15, 22, 29, February 5
Checks should be made payable to “Susan Henshaw-Tax Collector” and can be paid in person or placed in the drop box located just outside of the Town Hall front doors. You may also mail your payment to: Susan Henshaw – Town Clerk, 3710 Lake Road P.O. Box 858, Clarkson NY 14430. Additional changes may occur throughout the collection cycle due to COVID. Please continue to visit the Town Clerk’s Office page under the Government tab on the Town of Clarkson’s website for possible changes.
Acceptable forms of payment are cash, money order, and personal or bank check.
There is a $20 charge for all returned checks. We do not accept credit or debit cards.
Online payment options are available at www.monroecounty.gov
Town and County Taxes Pay Online.
Full payment and Installment payments are an option at the following schedule:
1st installment– due by February 10th with no interest
2nd installment– due by February 28th with 1.5% interest
3rd installment– due by March 31st with 3% interest
4th installment– due by April 30th with 4.5% interest
Taxes may be paid on or before February 10, 2022 without penalty. On all taxes received after such date, there will be an added penalty, as follows:
January 1 – February 10, 2022 no interest
February 11- February 28, 2022 1.5% interest
March 1- March 31, 2022 3.0% interest
April 1- April 30, 2022 4.5 % interest
May 1- May 31, 2022 6.0% interest
until such taxes are paid or until the return of unpaid taxes to the Monroe County Treasurer pursuant to law, on the first day of June, 2022.
Brockport School District Residents – Do you need help providing holiday gifts for your children age 17 and younger? Call (585) 752-6562 until December 18.
Residents wishing to help may drop off new, unwrapped toys from newborn to age 17. We have a drop box at Clarkson Town Hall.
Please note there is a snow parking ordinance in effect in the Town of Clarkson from mid-November to mid-April for snow operations. Any vehicle parked in the roadway is in violation of this ordinance and your vehicle may be towed.
We appreciate your cooperation and be sure to share this info with guests to your home. If you have questions please call the Highway Department at 637-1132.
November 1 – December 15
Monday – Friday 8am-4pm
Clarkson Town Hall – 3710 Lake Road
Help us fight hunger this Holiday Season!
Please donate canned and non-perishable food!
Items will be distributed to the Brockport Food Shelf
and Life Solutions of Hamlin.
Suggested donations:
Money for holiday meats, stuffing mix, cranberry sauce, gravy mix,
boxed pie crust, canned fruit, pudding mixes, canned vegetables,
pancake mix, canned pie filling, boxed/bagged potatoes, personal care items,
or any other items that you wish to donate
Hosted by Town Clerk Susan Henshaw – call 637-1130 for more info.
The November 9th Town Board Meeting has been rescheduled to Saturday, November 13 at 9AM.
There will be a brief Town Board meeting Friday, November 5, 2021 at 9am at the Town Hall. The sole purpose is: Fireworks Permit for Deerfield Country Club.