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Outdoor Dining in Clarkson

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Governor Cuomo announced outdoor dining at restaurants will now be permitted in phase two of reopening as of June 4th. Outdoor tables must be spaced six feet apart, all staff must wear face coverings and customers must also wear face coverings when not seated.

* Because outdoor seating is not permitted per Clarkson’s Town Code I have issued the following executive order to assist our restaurants:


Permitting of Outdoor Seating for Restaurants
Relating to the COVID-19 Disaster Emergency

WHEREAS, on June 3, 2020, I extended a State of Emergency for the Town of Clarkson; and

WHEREAS, restaurants have been closed other than for permitted curbside/indoor pick-up or delivery during the New York State COVID-19 Pause and is expected to continue;

WHEREAS, the Town of Clarkson is in favor of a gradual and safe reopening of businesses consistent with guidelines provided by New York State and Monroe County.

WHEREAS, restaurants must abide by all health and safety regulations and permits, and secure a temporary permit from the Town of Clarkson;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Christa L. Filipowicz, Supervisor of the Town of Clarkson, by virtue of the authority vested in me:

1. Do hereby temporarily suspend any provision of the Clarkson Town Code which would otherwise prohibit outdoor seating at permitted restaurants from the date of this Executive Order through October 31, 2020;

2. Do hereby allow open outdoor dining space for permitted restaurants in the Town of Clarkson through October 31, 2020;

3. Do hereby direct the Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer to immediately develop standards for outdoor seating consistent with the New York State Building Code and with safety guidelines related to COVID-19 promulgated by New York State and Monroe County and, upon compliance, issue a temporary permit for outdoor seating; and

4. Direct that no fee be charged for the review of plans or issuance of the temporary permit.

Christa L Filipowicz
Supervisor for Town of Clarkson

State of Emergency Extended

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The County of Monroe and the State of New York have declared States of Emergency in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The outbreak poses an immediate danger to public health and safety which imperils the residents and businesses in the Town of Clarkson. I believe it is in the best interest of the Town of Clarkson and our residents for me to extend the State of Emergency in the Town of Clarkson which will allow me the discretion to use any and all facilities, equipment, supplies, personnel and other resources of the Town of Clarkson in such manner as may be necessary or appropriate to cope with the disaster or any emergency resulting therefrom. In particular, but not in limitation, I anticipate that it will be critical to have Town personnel available to respond to specific, but currently unknowable, needs arising in the Town. Therefore, by the power vested in me, pursuant to Article 2-B of the Executive Law of the State of New York, I hereby declare a state of emergency effective this date at noon within the entire Town of Clarkson, Monroe County, New York. This state of emergency shall remain in effect for the next 30 days unless and until rescinded by me or extended by me for additional 30 day periods. Any residents in need of special or emergency assistance are advised to contact 911.

Christa L. Filipowicz

Legal Notice

By Meetings



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the members of the Town Board of the Town of Clarkson will hold a budget workshop on Monday, June 1st, 2020 at 6:00 PM. 

By Order of the Clarkson Town Board

Sharon S. Mattison

Clarkson Town Clerk

Anyone wishing to observe the workshop, may call in at 717-275-8940, meeting pin # 5854289

Gradual Re-Opening of Clarkson Town Hall

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We will begin a gradual re-opening of the Clarkson Town Hall on Monday, June 1, 2020.

For the protection of our residents and employees, until further notice, we will operate by appointment only. Initially appointments will be limited to the Town Clerk’s Office, Assessor’s Office and the Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer‘s office. Other departments may be added as time progresses. We are asking for patience as we adjust to our new procedures. We will continue to answer phones and emails during business hours. Our drop box is available 24/7.

Any employee interacting with the public will wear face coverings and any member of the public must wear a face covering if they plan to enter the Town Hall. Physical distancing of at least 6 should be maintained.

Only those with confirmed appointments will be permitted in the Town Hall and only one person per appointment. The person you have an appointment with will let you inside the building. The Town Clerk’s Office will have appointments on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Assessor’s Office will have appointments on Monday and Wednesday. The Building Department will schedule appointments daily if necessary.

Departments may have concurrent appointments; however, no more than two non-employees may be in the building at the same time.

Although we love to chat with residents as in the past, but we must now limit our time to conducting the business, and residents should vacate the Town Hall once their business is completed. Each area shall be sanitized after each appointment and prior to the next appointment.

Town Board Meeting

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PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Clarkson Town Board meeting will be held on May 26, 2020 at 6:00 P.M. Pursuant to Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order 202.1, this will be a virtual meeting via ‘Town of Clarkson’ Facebook live. For the agenda and information on how to join the meeting please visit our website at

If you wish to speak during the Open Forum portion of this meeting you must email the Town Clerk at [email protected] or the Town Supervisor at [email protected] by 4PM Tuesday, May 26. You will need to provide your name, address and phone number.

Brush Drop-Off

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Brush drop-off at the Highway Department, 3623 Lake Road is temporarily closed due to pending road work, and the increased presence of construction vehicles at that site.  This is for the safety of the residents and truck drivers. 

Other options:  Use the Transfer Station at 3718 Redman Road (Wednesdays 2-7, Saturdays 8-4); no permit is required for brush drop-off only.  You may also borrow the brush trailer by calling Highway at (585) 637-1132 to arrange a date for drop-off and pick-up.