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Tyler Jones

Election for Brockport Fire District – Dec. 13th

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The Annual Election of the Brockport Fire District will take place on Tuesday, December 13, 2022 between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. at the Brockport Fire District Station #3 ( 191 West Avenue, Brockport, New York 14420 ) for the purpose of electing one Commissioner for a five (5) year term, commencing January 1, 2023 and ending December 31, 2027.

Only residents registered to vote with the Monroe County Board of Elections on or before November 21, 2022, shall be eligible to vote.

Qualified Candidates for District Office must file their names and their intent to seek the position of Fire District Commissioner, indicating the office and term for which they wish to run, with the Secretary of the Brockport Fire District, Debra Bax, at P.O. Box 131, Brockport New York 14420, no later than November 23, 2022. Candidates must be resident electors of the Brockport Fire District at the time of the election.

Nominations Open – Monika W. Andrews Creative Leadership Award

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Nominations are being sought for candidates for the Monika W. Andrews Creative Volunteer Leadership Award. Nominees must be residents of the Village of Brockport, Town of Sweden, or Town of Clarkson. Individuals and organizations may submit nominations. Self-nominations are acceptable.

In 2012 the three municipalities established the Monika W. Andrews Creative Volunteer Leadership Award as a memorial to the late Brockport resident. Its rules require that the award be given annually to one or more persons “who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in volunteer work by undertaking important innovative activities or creating significant new ways to serve the greater Brockport community”. A trust fund has been established to provide cash awards for the winners.

The winners will be selected by a committee composed of one member appointed by each of the municipal boards. Nominations must be submitted by noon, Friday, December 30, 2022, to the Brockport Village Clerk 127 Main Street Brockport, NY 14420 [email protected].

A complete set of the rules for the award is available at the clerks’ offices of the three municipalities and on the Village website

Winter Snow Parking Ordinance

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There is a snow parking ordinance in effect, from mid-November through mid-April.
Any vehicle parked in the roadway is in violation of this ordinance. In the event that a vehicle is parked in the roadway, the vehicle will be towed.

We appreciate your cooperation
If you have any questions, please call the Highway Department at 585-637-1123

Veteran Walk-In Hours

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We will have Veteran Walk-In Hours at the Town Hall, from 3:30pm – 5:30pm on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month! (with the exception of the fourth Tuesday in December and August)
Veterans can obtain information on a variety of services from the Veterans Outreach Center, and important contact information for benefits they may be eligible for.
Clarkson Town Hall: 3710 Lake Rd N, Clarkson, NY 14430