Tonight’s (7/26) Board meeting will be held at the Town Court Building, not the Town Hall, located at 3655 Lake Road North, held at 6pm this evening.
Tonight’s meeting will have discussion on town-wide water and historical preservation grants.
Update – Experienced difficulties with Wi-Fi at the courthouse – we were not able to stream the meeting. We had moved the meeting due to public attendance and available space
There will be a Special Meeting at the Clarkson Town Hall on July 7th, at 6pm
New 4 way STOP SIGN has been added to the corner of Amy Lane and Gilmore Road, and Leanna Crescent and Gilmore Road. Please be mindful!
There will be a very brief Special Town Board Meeting June 1 at 6PM at the Clarkson Town Hall
Good Neighbor Day is coming, on Friday, August 19!
This will be a one-day event in Hafner Park.
• Classic Car Cruise-In (5:00 PM– dusk)
• Food vendors
• Music by Ruby Shooz (7:00 – 10:00 PM)
• Fireworks – 10:00 PM