The Stanley Pogroszewski Justice Court will be closed today Monday, January 10, due to illness. Our apologies!
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a special public hearing will be held before the Town of Clarkson Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee on Thursday, January 27th 2022, at 6:00 PM in the Town of Clarkson’s Town Court located at 3655 Lake Road, Clarkson, NY 14430 on the following matter:
Reviewing and commenting on the Town of Clarkson 2022 Draft Comprehensive Plan, which is intended to serve as an update to the Town’s current 2005 Comprehensive Plan. Therefore, any and all public comments to this effect will be heard and recorded in accordance with NYS Law.
The Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee will, at the aforesaid time and place, hear all persons in support of this change or objections thereto. Persons may appear in person or by agent or attorney. Copies of the 2022 Draft Comprehensive Plan are available for review on the Town’s webpage ( and at the Town Clerk’s office located at 3655 Lake Road, Clarkson, NY 14430 upon request.
Dated: January 7, 2022
By order of the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee of the Town of Clarkson.
Highway Superintendent Bob Viscardi just let us know that the HWY staff cleared and prepped the Kathy Turner Skating Rink at Hafner Park and it is ready to go!! Grab your skates and get some fresh air!!
We expect that we will be short staffed for awhile, so we ask for your patience and prayers for those who are sick.
The Town Hall will have temporary modified hours.
Hours for JANUARY:
Friday, 1/7 8am – noon
Saturday, 1/8 9am – noon
Starting Monday January 10:
Monday – Friday 9am- 3pm (closed noon-1PM)
Saturdays – Closed
Appointments after hours call 637-1130 to schedule.
All Town Board & Support Meetings per normal schedule.
To assist, please use the drop boxes (on either side of the front door) at the Town Hall for tax payments. Our thanks to all of you who have offered to help in some way!
We will be doing a Covid Test Kit distribution tomorrow Friday, December 31 from 10:30-noon at the Stanley Pogroszewski Justice Court. Clarkson residents only. Masks and ID required. One kit per household.
The Town Board will meet briefly Tuesday December 28 at 6PM to pay the bills.
The Town Hall is currently closed due to illness, however the meeting is open to the public. Masks are required.
Due to the holidays, the Transfer Station is open TODAY (Sunday) from 10am-2pm as well as next Sunday. There will also be extended hours on Wednesday, December 29 and January 5 from noon-7pm.