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Online Payments Accepted at Stanley Progrosewski Justice Court

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Recently our Clarkson court set up online payment with Be advised, for the convenience of online payment you will pay a fee of 4%. That fee goes directly to GovPayNow, not our court or New York Stat. If you come in to the court to make a credit card payment, you will be charged a fee of 2.99%, which also does not go to the court or New York State. We still accept cash, money orders and cashier’s checks, but no personal checks. If you come to the court to make a payment and the office is closed, there is a drop box on the back side of the building (South end).

To pay online, you will log in to from any computer with internet access. Enter either Clarkson Town Court or PLC # a003KG for Judge Penders or PLC #a003KF for Judge Wilcox. It is important that you know to which Judge you’re making a payment. The ticket # is also important. If you do not have either of these, please call 585-637-1134 during business hours or email

2020 Census is Very Important to Clarkson!

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The 2020 Census is now underway. The goal of the census is to count every resident living in the United States. The census is done every 10 years.

Why is it important?

The census impacts several things. It impacts $53 Billion of federal funding that is used for community services and economic development.

It impacts the number of congressional seats.

It is used by local, state and federal government for planning purposes for the next 10 years.

It is quick and easy to do. It only takes a few minutes and can be done electronically.

Respond today at

Town Board Meeting

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PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Clarkson Town Board meeting will be held on May 12, 2020 at 6:00 P.M. Pursuant to Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order 202.1, this will be a virtual meeting via ‘Town of Clarkson’ Facebook live. For the agenda and information on how to join the meeting please visit our website at

If you wish to speak during the Open Forum portion of this meeting you must email the Town Clerk at or the Town Supervisor at by 4PM Tuesday, May 12. You will need to provide your name, address and phone number.

State of Emergency Extended

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Town of Clarkson – STATE OF EMERGENCY
The County of Monroe and the State of New York have declared States of Emergency in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The outbreak poses an immediate danger to public health and safety which imperils the residents and businesses in the Town of Clarkson. I believe it is in the best interest of the Town of Clarkson and our residents for me to extend the State of Emergency in the Town of Clarkson which will allow me the discretion to use any and all facilities, equipment, supplies, personnel and other resources of the Town of Clarkson in such manner as may be necessary or appropriate to cope with the disaster or any emergency resulting therefrom. In particular, but not in limitation, I anticipate that it will be critical to have Town personnel available to respond to specific, but currently unknowable, needs arising in the Town. Therefore, by the power vested in me, pursuant to Article 2-B of the Executive Law of the State of New York, I hereby declare a state of emergency effective this date at noon within the entire Town of Clarkson, Monroe County, New York. This state of emergency shall remain in effect for the next 30 days unless and until rescinded by me or extended by me for additional 30 day periods. Any residents in need of special or emergency assistance are advised to contact 911.

Brush Pick-Up Updates

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Superintendent of Highways Bob Viscardi has announced:

  1. Brush pick-up  We started early and will continue next week until completed.  If you think you were missed, please call 637-1132 and we will stop by.
  2. Wood chips The pile in front of Highway is no longer available.  However, there is a very large pile off of New Horizon Drive, across from Lifetime Assistance on the south side. 
  3. Dumping of brush The Highway Department prohibits the dumping of brush on highway property by anyone who is not a Clarkson resident. The area is monitored by cameras.

Mobile DMV Canceled for 2020

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Unfortunately I have received word from Monroe County Clerk Jamie Romeo that she has canceled the Mobile DMV for the remainder of 2020.

Each Thursday the Clarkson Courthouse was home to the Mobile DMV and was a convenient service to our residents. During the remainder of the year the County will review this operation and how it can be adapted to include physical distancing practices and other potential changes. Services were initially suspended on March 13 due to COVID-19.

Town Board Teleconference

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The Clarkson Town Board will have a telephonic special meeting Tuesday, April 28 at 6PM for the sole purpose of the approving the audit. Public may access via conference call (717) 275-8940 Access Code: 585 4289.