Join us for the Harvest Festival 5k!
Register at the link below:
Join us for the Harvest Festival 5k!
Register at the link below:
An issue has been identified with the School Tax Bill that was mailed on August 30. The issue has been rectified and in the next week, all residents will be sent a second tax bill. The new bill will reflect the accurate Star Exemption if it applies to you.
You DO NOT need to call the Tax Collector unless you have already paid the first bill.
Please contact Susan Henshaw, Tax Collector at (585) 637-1130 for further direction.
Residents of Brockport, Sweden, and Clarkson, join Assemblyman Steve Hawley for a Town Hall meeting on Sep 16, 11am – 11:45am at Seymour Library!
(Posted August 26, 2023)
The Town of Clarkson is seeking a full-time experienced administrative assistant in the office of the Town Supervisor
Duties include day-to-day clerical duties and providing leadership and support for a wide range of responsibilities. Candidates should have demonstrated skills in Microsoft Word and Excel, accounts payable/receivable preferred, and have excellent communication skills. This is a 35-hour per week position with a full benefits package. Compensation will be commensurate with level of experience.
Interested candidates should send a letter of interest and resume to [email protected] by August 31.
The Fall 2023 Brush & Junk Pickup schedule has now been posted!
Schedule is posted on our Highway Dept. page, as well as the flyer.
Brush & Leaves
· Monday, October 23rd regular brush pick-up starts
Highway will do one sweep through town. Leave brush in 6’ lengths, parallel w/road.
· Mondays, October 23rd, 30th and November 6th leaf pick-up starts
Highway will pick-up leaves in paper bags only throughout town.
· Available year-round bring brush/leaves to the Transfer Station, 3078 Redman Rd. (1-mile N of Ridge) on Wed. 2:00pm-7:00pm, Sat. 8:00am-4:00pm. No permit required.
· Available year-round call Highway to reserve the 6’ x 12’ brush trailer (NC) for drop off at your home, based on availability.
Junk Days @ Highway Dept.
· Friday, October 20st 7 am – 3 pm
· Saturday, October 21st 8 am – 4 pm
· Max. of 5 pick-up truck loads per household.
· Accepting FREE collection of electronic equipment, except as noted below. **
· Additional charge:
Car/Pickup Tires $ 2.00 ea. | Large Truck Tires $ 10.00 ea.
Large Tractor Tires $ 20.00 ea. | Propane Tanks-new $ 2.00 ea.
Refrigerators/Freezers $ 25.00 ea. | A/C units & Dehumidifiers $ 10.00 ea.
NO household garbage, hazardous waste materials, boats, or motor vehicles of any size
Please see all details on the notice below. Questions? Call Highway @ 585-637-1132
Brush & Junk Dump Info - Fall 2023 Brush & Junk Dump Info - Spring 2023
The Clarkson Town Board will conduct a special meeting Tuesday, August 15, 2023, at 6:30 p.m., at the Town Hall The meeting will discuss actions regarding unsafe buildings/premises at 8438 Ridge Road, Clarkson, NY. Details include potential demolition, debris disposal, and cost assessment.
You can view the legal notice here:
Town Board Special Meeting
The New York State Department of Transportation will be closing State Route 260/Sweden Walker Road between State Route 31 and East Avenue, in the Towns of Clarkson and Sweden, Monroe County to facilitate a culvert replacement.
The closure is anticipated to be in place the evening of Friday, July 28 and is slated to reopen the morning of Sunday, August 6.
Motorists will be advised to follow the posted detour utilizing East Avenue, West Avenue, Redman Road, and State Route 31.
All the engineering work has been completed.
The Town’s Engineer met with Monroe County to discuss the project about a month ago, and we are now waiting on approvals from the County. Once approved the project will go out to bid.
Updates will be posted as they become available.