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Robert M. Viscardi

Superintendent of Highways

Kelly Sprague

Highway Clerk

Contact Information

Telephone: (585) 637-1132

Fax: (585) 637-1142

Emergencies:  911
Email: [email protected]

Office & delivery address: 3623 Lake Road, Brockport, NY 14420
Mailing Address:  3710 Lake Road, PO Box 858, Clarkson, NY 14430


April through October

Monday – Thursday: 6am – 4:30pm
Friday: Closed

November through March

24 hrs per day, 7 days a week

Mission & Responsibilities

The roads in Clarkson are vital lifelines of the community and the Highway Department is dedicated to improving and maintaining an efficient road system to ensure the safety of the general public. We strive to have open lines of communication with all town residents in order to operate more effectively and efficiently.

The Highway Department is responsible for road construction, repairs, and maintenance; mowing town and county roadsides; maintaining all park lands, the Transfer Station, West Clarkson Cemetery; mitigating drainage issues; and maintenance of detention ponds, sanitary storm and sewer line systems; culvert pipe replacement and ditching; dead animal pick-up; and generating revenue for the Town of Clarkson through maintenance and construction contracts with New York State and Monroe County.

Highway Department Projects and Brush/Junk Days

Brush & Leaves

  • Monday, April 21st regular brush pick-up starts
    Highway will do one sweep through town. Leave brush in 6’ lengths, parallel with the road.

  • April 1 – November 15 dump brush/leaves inside Hwy. Dept. fenced area.

  • April 22, April 29 & May 6 Hwy will pick up bagged leaves left at the roadside (paper bags only).

  • Available year-round bring brush/leaves to the Transfer Station, 3078 Redman Rd. (1 mile N of Ridge) on Wed. 2-7, Sat. 8-4. No permit required.

  • Available year-round call Highway to reserve the 6’ x 12’ brush trailer (NC) for drop-off at your home, based on availability.

Junk Days @ Highway Dept.

  • Saturdays, April 26 & May 38 am – 4 pm
  • Mon-Fri, April 28 – May 21 pm – 5 pm
  • Max. of 5 pick-up truck loads per household.
  • Accepting FREE collection of electronic equipment.

Additional charge:

  • Car/Pickup Tires – $2.00 each
  • Large Truck Tires – $10.00 each
  • Large Tractor Tires – $20.00 each
  • Propane Tanks (new) – $2.00 each
  • Refrigerators/Freezers – $25.00 each
  • A/C Units & Dehumidifiers – $10.00 each

NO household garbage, hazardous waste materials, boats, or motor vehicles of any size.

Brush & Junk Dump Info - Spring 2025

Transfer Station

The Town offers residents a cost-effective option for the disposal of garbage and household items.

More information may be found on the Town Clerk’s page.

Town Clerk's Page

Winter Operations

November through March/April, the Highway Department is manned 24/7 to deliver the best service possible at the least cost to the taxpayers. During a snowstorm, it is our policy to have bare roads within four hours after the storm ends. We will use a variety of products depending on the type of winter storm, air temperature, and time of day. Cars are not permitted to be parked on the street or right-of-way in town during the winter season months.

Residents may not blow or plow snow from any driveway into the roadway or onto sidewalks. It is the property owner’s responsibility to ensure that the road and sidewalks are clean when plowing/blowing is completed. Snow piles left in the road are dangerous and may cause accidents.

During winter snow removal, town plows will remove snow as close to mailboxes as possible, however, the detailed removal around the box is the homeowners’ responsibility. The force of flying snow alone can displace an already weakened box, mount, or post. If town crews damage your mailbox during snow removal, it is not intentional. As a courtesy, Highway will repair or replace mailboxes and posts if the damage was a result of the town’s work. (See replacement policy)

Snow Parking Ordinance

There is a snow parking ordinance in effect in the Town of Clarkson from mid-November to mid-April for snow operations. Any vehicle parked in the road or right-of-way is in violation of this ordinance and your vehicle may be towed. We appreciate your cooperation and be sure to share this info with guests to your home. If you have questions, please call the Highway at 637-1132.

Tree Policy

View PDF

Overview: The Town will work with property owners to assess tree concerns and determine the best course of action. It is important to understand the difference between a “Right of Way” and an “Easement” which will define what the Town is able to do.

Easement — An easement to the Town of Clarkson is when the property owner gives permission to access a portion of their property as defined in a legal agreement (deed or survey map) as recorded in the Office of the Monroe County Clerk. This may be for drainage or access to property utilized by the town. Structures (catch basin, drainage pipe, grates) owned by the holder (Town) of the easement, are not the responsibility of the landowner.

Right-of-Way — A right-of-way (ROW) is granted or reserved over land for transportation purposes, such as a road or highway, to those who have jurisdiction over that roadway.

Jurisdiction: Highway Department

  • Tree mitigation is managed by the Town.
  • If an imminent threat, the Town may remove the canopy of the tree, and leave the trunk/stump.
  • Canopy to be left where felled, unless on a resident’s property.

Jurisdiction: Highway Department

  • If a tree is an imminent safety threat, the Town may remove the threat.
  • If a tree is near service lines, the service provider will manage tree removal.
  • If a tree is dead or dying, the Town may remove it at their discretion.

Jurisdiction: Highway Department

  • Trees on private property will need to be managed by the property owner
  • If a tree falls into the ROW, the Town will remove the threat, but only back to the ROW line.
  • If you have a tree concern near a power line, contact the utility provider directly.

Jurisdiction: Highway Department

  • If a tree is on the ground and adversely affecting Town drainage or sewer systems as determined by a Town Official, the Town will remove the blockage and correct the issue.
  • If a tree is dead or dying but remains upright, and is not blocking or adversely affecting drainage, it can remain as is or be removed at property owner’s expense.
  • Any and all other tree issues are the responsibility of property owners, i.e. broken branches, leaves, etc.
  • Property owners should notify the Town before any tree removal work begins, to ensure that drainage or sewer systems are protected.

Jurisdiction: Highway Department

  • If a tree has fallen and is blocking a creek bed or stream, or drainage system, the Town may remove the blockage.
  • If a tree has fallen or is at risk of falling but does not pose a threat to
    person or property, or the drainage/sewer systems, it may be left as is.
  • If a tree has fallen or is compromised, it is the responsibility of the property owner for management:
    • The property owner should contact the Town to evaluate the trees and recommend management options, i.e. felling the tree canopy to remove the threat or blockage.
    • In the event that it is necessary for the Town to cut or remove any dead or diseased trees or foliage, a Temporary Easement from the property owner to the Town may be needed to access the tree or blockage.

Property owners may report a compromised tree or request an evaluation by the Town including fallen limbs, or a tree that is diseased or dead. Residents will be contacted once their information is reviewed by town staff. Please email the information below to [email protected]:

  • Property owner:
  • Phone number:
  • Email address:
  • Mailing address:
  • Address of property where tree is located, if different from above:
  • Detailed location of tree: (front or back yard, which side, in a sewer or drainage easement, etc.)
  • Tree description: Describe number of trees, type of tree and specifically what is the issue with the tree such as fallen limbs, diseased, dead, etc.
  • Obstructions: detail any existing obstruction located in the vicinity of the tree, such as power lines/poles, proximity to the street , driveway and structures such as a shed, deck, pool or fence.

Mailbox Placement and Replacement Policy

Clarkson is one of only a small number of towns that still repair/replace mailboxes damaged during snow operations. Since there is no statutory or legal authority that grants an owner or resident the right to place a mailbox along a public road in the right-of-way, our repairs/replacements are a courtesy and must be limited to standard size steel or plastic mailboxes and wooden 4×4 posts.

If you have an expensive custom and/or decorative mailbox or post, you may consider storing it for the winter and replacing it with an inexpensive substitute.  Decorative mailboxes include the one-piece plastic post/mailbox combinations, which are extremely susceptible to winter damage.

Mailbox Installation Policy

Make sure that the face of your mailbox is at least 16 feet from the center of the road. The bottom of the post or board that the mailbox sits on, should be 42″ above the height of the road surface.

Brush Trailer for Residents' Use

The 6’ x 12’ dump trailer with 2’ sides and is offered as a courtesy for residents to use. Contact the highway office at 637-1132 to schedule a drop-off date.

  • First come, first served subject to availability; and you may reserve consecutive days.
  • Monday – Thursday morning drop-off; we will pick up the loaded trailer the following morning or Monday for a Thursday drop off
  • Drop-off needs to be on pavement or stone.
  • Trailer will be locked and cannot to be moved once it’s in place on the driveway.
  • Trailer is to be used for brush only, and not be filled higher than the sides.

Driveway Tile and Enclosed Drainage Installation

As a service to Clarkson residents, and as time permits, the highway crew will install a tile for a new driveway entrance, replace a driveway tile, or enclose a ditch. A quote will be provided, and the resident will pay for the cost of materials only.

Project Quote Form

Street Lights

The Town of Clarkson does not repair or replace any streetlights; they are owned and maintained by National Grid. To report any malfunctioning streetlights, please report to the National Guard Streetlight Inventory Management System, or call National Grid directly at 1-(800)-642-4272; follow the prompts and you will speak with a representative.  Be ready to provide the pole number, street name, location on the street, and a description of the problem.

Traffic Signals

For any malfunctioning traffic signal on NYS roads* please call NYS Traffic Signals at (585) 753-7790.

For any malfunctioning traffic signals on Monroe County roads* please call Monroe County Traffic Signals at (585) 753-7760.

*If the traffic signal lights have a green casing they are NYS jurisdiction and if they have a yellow casing they are Monroe County jurisdiction.

Need more help?  Contact Us

Or email directly at [email protected]