Ian E. W. Penders
Town Justice
Town Justice
PO Box 803 3655 Lake Road, Clarkson, NY 14430
Town Justice
PO Box 803 3655 Lake Road, Clarkson, NY 14430
P.O. Box 803, 3655 Lake Road, Clarkson, NY 14430
p: (585) 637-1134
f: (585) 637- 1140
Please leave a voice message during the off-hours and include your birth date.
Cody Steffen, clerk to the Judges: [email protected]
PLC a003kf for Judge Wilcox
PLC a00kg for Judge Penders
Small Claims Court is an informal court where individuals can sue for money only, up to $3,000, without an attorney. A filing fee of $10 is due if your claim is $1000 or less, and $15 if claim is more than $1000.
You may be represented by an attorney at your own expense, but it is not necessary since Small Claims Court is meant to be a people’s court where claims may be tried speedily, informally, and inexpensively.
Anyone over 18 years of age can bring an action in Small Claims Court. If you are younger than 18, a parent/guardian may file the claim for you. Corporations, partnerships, associations, or assignees cannot sue in Small Claims court, but they can be sued. In order to bring a small claims action against someone in the Town of Clarkson, the person you wish to sue must live or own a place of business within the Town of Clarkson. You will be required to supply the correct spelling of the person’s name and their current address.
The Mobile DMV has returned to our area.
Though not to the Town of Clarkson, but to our neighbors in the Village of Brockport and Town of Ogden:
The 1st Wednesday of every month:
Brockport Village Court Building
49 State St. Brockport, NY 14420
10:00am – 3:00pm
the 3rd Wednesday of every month:
Ogden Town Hall
269 Ogden Center Road, Spencerport, NY 14559
10:00am – 3:30pm