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Online Payments Accepted at Stanley Progrosewski Justice Court

By May 18, 2020April 8th, 2022All Posts, Announcements

Recently our Clarkson court set up online payment with Be advised, for the convenience of online payment you will pay a fee of 4%. That fee goes directly to GovPayNow, not our court or New York Stat. If you come in to the court to make a credit card payment, you will be charged a fee of 2.99%, which also does not go to the court or New York State. We still accept cash, money orders and cashier’s checks, but no personal checks. If you come to the court to make a payment and the office is closed, there is a drop box on the back side of the building (South end).

To pay online, you will log in to from any computer with internet access. Enter either Clarkson Town Court or PLC # a003KG for Judge Penders or PLC #a003KF for Judge Wilcox. It is important that you know to which Judge you’re making a payment. The ticket # is also important. If you do not have either of these, please call 585-637-1134 during business hours or email [email protected].