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Susan Henshaw

Town Clerk & Tax Collector
[email protected]

Carla Ward

Deputy Town Clerk
[email protected]

The Town Clerk’s Office is the hub of the Town of Clarkson and is responsible for many services of the town such as posting official notices and act as the recording secretary for the Town Board. The Town Clerk also serves as the Town Tax Collector, Marriage Officer, Records Retention Officer, Notary Public and the Commissioner of Elections. Residents can obtain dog licenses, passport services, handicap parking permits, as well as hunting and fishing licenses at the Town Clerk’s Office.

Solicitor’s Permits Issued: None

Hours & Contact Info

 Town Clerk’s Office

Monday: 8:00am-4:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am-6:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am-4:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am-4:00pm
Friday: 8:00am-4:00pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

P.O. Box 858, 3710 Lake Road, Clarkson, NY  14430

p:  (585) 637-1130
f:  (585) 637-1138

Call if you require an after-hours appointment.


Accessible Parking Permit (NYS)

You may be eligible for a special parking permit if you are a New York State resident who has one or more severe disabilities that impair your mobility.  Clarkson residents who qualify may pick up an application form at the Town Clerk’s Office.

Department of Motor Vehicles Mobile Unit

The Mobile DMV is returning to Clarkson!
Every 4th Wednesday of the month, starting June 26

Justice Court Building – 3655 Lake Road, Clarkson
10:00am – 3:30pm.

So glad to bring this much needed service back to our residents!

It also comes to Brockport Village Court on the first Wednesday of every month from 10:00am-3:30pm. You can find them at 49 State Street, Brockport, NY 14420.

And, it comes to Ogden Town Hall on the third Wednesday of every month from 10:00am-3:30pm. They are located at 269 Ogden Center Road, Spencerport, NY 14559.

Dog Licensing

Any dog aged 4 months or older must have a license. The dog owner must provide proof of rabies and proof of altering, (spayed or neutered), if applicable. There is a limit of 3 dogs per household. Dog Licensing helps ensure that dogs are vaccinated against rabies and that vaccinations are kept current. Otherwise, this can become a serious public health issue.

Dog Licenses

  • Spay/Neuter $10.00
  • Non-Spay/Neuter $20.00

All dog license fees are non-refundable.

Freedom of Information (FOIL) Requests

If the information you want is not publicly available, you can submit a request to the Town Clerks Office. The request must be in writing and reasonably describe the records you seek.

Marriage Information

A couple intending to marry in New York State must apply in person for a marriage license and the application must be signed by both the applicants in the presence of the Town Clerk. A representative cannot apply for the license on behalf of the couple, even if the representative has been given the Power of Attorney. Notarized marriage license affidavits signed by the couple cannot be substituted for their personal appearance. There is a 24-hour waiting period once the license is issued and it is valid for 60 days beginning the day after issuance.

One-Day Marriage Officiant License

New York State Domestic Relations Law (Article 3, Section 11-d) provides the opportunity for a marriage officiant to obtain a license to solemnize a particular marriage. The officiant must obtain their license from the same municipality that issued the couple’s marriage license. The officiant license expires upon the earlier of either performing the ceremony or on the date the marriage license expires. The officiant license is only valid for the couple listed on the application.

More Marriage Info

NYS DEC Sporting Licenses

Training required

  • Hunting – small game, big game, muzzleloading requires a previous hunting license or hunter education certificate.
  • Trapping – trapping or junior trapping requires a previous trapping license or trapper education certificate.
  • Bowhunting – bowhunting or junior archery requires both hunting (see above) and bowhunting training

Residency Requirements

  1. New York State residents are entitled to combination, junior trapping, senior, or individual resident licenses.
  2. Non-residents can purchase only non-resident licenses, except for junior archery and junior hunting licenses.
  3. Junior archery and junior hunting provide the same privilege at same price to both residents and non-residents.

Park and Lodge Rentals

Residents may rent the Goodwin Lodge at Hafner Park (3645 Lake Road) or the Lodge at Kimball Park (8000 Ridge Road). View our calendar for availability and then print and fill out the application and bring to the Town Hall. Reservation is secured once payment is received.

Residents may book rentals for January – March at any time. The bookings for April – December will start on Tuesday, January 2, in-person at the Town Hall. Be sure to bring two separate checks (rental and deposit) for your rental, the completed rental form, as well a few choices of dates so that we can be efficient.


Passport forms are available in our office and online at Bring your original birth certificate, which must include both of your parents’ names, a raised seal and the date it was filed. You will also need a photo ID (such as a driver’s license or permit) and your passport photo which can be taken when you come to town hall to complete your application.

Fees for ages 16 and above:
Passport book – $130, Passport Card – $30

Fees for ages 15 and below: Passport Book – $100, Passport Card – $15

Check or money order made payable to “US Department of State”

Acceptance fee – $35
Passport Photo – $10
Cash, credit card or check made payable to “Town of Clarkson”

Tax Information - School

Town Clerk – Susan Henshaw, will receive 2024-25 Brockport Central School Taxes for the Town of Clarkson beginning September 1, 2024 through October 31, 2024 at the Clarkson Town Hall, 3710 Lake Road in the Town of Clarkson. Due to the Labor Day holiday, the first day our office will be open for collection will be on Tuesday, September 3rd.


Mondays            8AM – 4PM

Tuesdays            8AM – 6PM

Wednesdays      8AM – 4PM

Thursdays          8AM – 4PM

Fridays               8AM – 4PM

* except holidays

School Tax bills will be mailed Friday, August 30th. If you are responsible for payment and have not received your school tax bill by September 6th, please call (585) 637-1130 or email [email protected] and request a copy.

FULL PAYMENTS:  If you wish to pay your taxes in one full payment, please follow these instructions.

SEPT. 1 – OCT. 1: Pay the full amount with no interest by October 1. Make checks payable to “Susan Henshaw-Tax Collector.”

OCT. 2 – OCT. 31: Add 2% late payment charge to total tax due. Make checks payable to “Susan Henshaw-Tax Collector”

NOV. 1 – NOV.18: Add 5% late payment charge to total tax due. Call Monroe County Treasury at 753-1200 for exact amount due. Make checks payable to “Monroe County Treasurer,” P.O. Box 14420, Rochester, NY 14614 or pay in person at 39 W. Main St., Room B‐2, Rochester.

INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS:  All school districts accept installment payments and may be paid by following these instructions:

                1st INSTALLMENT: Pay 1st installment by September 15 to “Susan Henshaw-Tax Collector”.

                                SEPT 16-20:  ADD 1% INTEREST TO TOTAL amount including service charge and PAY to “Susan Henshaw-Tax Collector”.


                2nd INSTALLMENT: Pay 2nd installment by October 15 to “Monroe County Treasurer”   

                                OCT 16-31: Add 1% interest to 2nd installment due.

                                NOV 1-18:   Add 2% interest to the 2nd installment amount due.

                3rd INSTALLMENT: Pay 3rd installment by November 15 to “Monroe County Treasurer”

                                NOV 16-18: Add 1% interest to 3rd installment amount due.

** 2nd and 3rd INSTALLMENTS ONLY: Make check payable to “Monroe County Treasurer”, PO Box 14420, Rochester, NY 14614 or pay in person at 39 West Main Steet, Room B-2, Rochester. Call Treasury at 753-1200 if you have questions on amount due.


Checks should be made payable to “Susan Henshaw-Tax Collector” and can be paid in person or placed in the drop box located outside of the Town Hall front doors. You may also mail your payment to: Susan Henshaw – Town Clerk, 3710 Lake Road, P.O. Box 858, Clarkson NY 14430.

Acceptable forms of payment are cash, personal check, bank check or money order. There is a $20 charge for all returned checks. We do not accept credit or debit cards.

Online payment options are available at for a fee. It is located on the main page under– Pay Property Taxes/Research Property.

Tax Information - Town and County

Susan Henshaw will collect taxes for the Town of Clarkson beginning January 2, 2025 through May 31, 2025 at the Clarkson Town Hall, 3710 Lake Road in the Town of Clarkson; Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Tuesdays from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., except holidays. In addition, the following Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.; January 4, 11, 18, 25, and February 1 and 8, 2025, for the purpose of collecting the taxes listed on the said Roll.

  • Checks should be made payable to Susan Henshaw, Tax Collector and brought in person, or mailed to 3710 Lake Rd, P.O. Box 858, Clarkson NY 14430 or placed in the mail slot located outside of the Town Hall front doors.
  • Online payment options are available at for a fee.

TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that taxes may be paid on or before February 10, 2024 without penalty.  On all taxes received after such date, there will be an added penalty, as follows:

January 1–February 10, 2025                                                     0 interest

February 11-February 29, 2025                                                  1.5% interest

March 1-March 31, 2025                                                           3.0% interest

April 1-April 30, 2025                                                               4.5% interest

May 1–May 10, 2025                                                                6.0% interest

May 11-May 31, 2025                                                               6.0% interest plus $2.00 notice fee


Until such taxes are paid or until the return of unpaid taxes to the Monroe County Treasurer pursuant to law, on the first day of June, 2025.


On May 10, 2025, a notice will be mailed to each owner of real property on which taxes remain unpaid, and a $2.00 notice fee shall be charged on and after May 10, 2025 against the parcel and added to taxes due.

**Not receiving your Tax Bill does not absolve you of your obligation to pay your bill in a timely fashion.  If you do not receive your Tax Bill, please contact the Tax Collector by calling 637-1130 or emailing [email protected].

Transfer Station Information


Review the Transfer Station Rules & Regulations and bring your current vehicle registration to the town hall annually. Only one permit sticker will be provided per household. Place sticker on the back rear window or the back bumper. The sticker must be visible to the attendant.

Permit fee: $260.00 per year
Hours: Saturday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Wednesday 2 p.m. – 7 p.m.

Paint Recycling Program Begins in New York State

The New York State Postconsumer Paint Collection Program began on May 1, 2022. The program is operated by PaintCare, a non-profit organization established by the paint industry to manage unwanted architectural coating products and provide for their recycling or proper disposal.

The program accepts leftover latex and oil-based paints and similar products at drop-off sites throughout the state. View a complete list of products accepted by PaintCare.

Paint Drop-Off Sites
PaintCare will provide a collection network of over 300 drop-off sites across the state made up of paint retailers, local government facilities and reuse stores. Find a paint drop-off site near you.

Note: The Sherwin Williams store in Brockport is a drop site!

  • Drop-off sites will accept up to 5 gallons per customer per visit, some sites may accept more.
  • Paint should be in original containers with intact labels that identify the product.

The program is funded by a small fee – the PaintCare Fee – on the sale of all new paint in the state.  The program will provide for continuous and convenient collection year-round and accept all program products regardless of when they were purchased. No longer will you have to plan to bring unwanted oil-based paints for collection at your local Household Hazardous Waste collection event or dry out unwanted latex paint for household trash pick-up!

Business or Bulk Paint Collection
Businesses, organizations, and households with 100 gallons of paint or more to recycle can request a free pick-up at their location, though some restrictions may apply. Submit a request form through PaintCare’s website.

Additional program information can be found on DEC’s NYS Postconsumer Paint Collection Program webpage.

All previous minutes are archived and available in the Town Clerk’s Office.