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Clarkson Town Hall
The Clarkson Town Hall is the hub of the government in town. Located on the southeast corner of Ridge Road (Rt 104) and Lake Road (Rt 19), it houses the offices of the Town Supervisor, Town Clerk, and Building Department. The Town Board, Planning Board, Zoning Board, and Conservation Board hold their meetings here. There’s a special place in our hearts for this lovely building and all the history it holds.
This Town Hall was erected in the late 1800’s and was later moved to its present site in the 1930’s. It stands today much as it was back then. The first-floor offices have been updated, as well as the meeting room to accommodate the needs of the world today. The lower level can be accessed either through the main floor stairwell or through the back door located off the parking lot. Visitors to the Building Department should use the back entrance.