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Veterans Town Hall

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All veterans are invited to attend this community event specifically designed to address the unique needs of the veterans in our community.

Presentations will include local elected officials, VA representatives, and Veteran service providers. The event will include a veteran Q&A session and program services survey.

No RSVP is needed, please enjoy a morning of refreshments, conversation, and camaraderie.

For more information, please contact Jackie Smith, at 585-259-8457 or email [email protected].


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Highway Superintendent Bob Viscardi has announce a special brush pick up due to the wind storm. Starting Monday, March 21 our highway crew will make one pass down each road to pick up brush cut in 6’ lengths, placed parallel with the road. This service is weather dependent since we are still in snow season.

In addition, an open concrete bin is located in front of the Highway Garage (3623 Lake Road) until Monday, April 4 to allow residents an opportunity to drop off their brush– tree limbs, Christmas trees, but please no stumps.

Throughout the year Clarkson residents may also bring brush and leaves to the Transfer Station, 3078 Redman Rd. (1-mile N of Ridge); open Wed. 2-7PM, Sat. 8AM-4PM and no Transfer Station permit is required for this service.Our 6×12 foot brush trailer is available throughout the year to Clarkson residents. Call Highway @ 637-1132 to reserve the trailer and it will be dropped off/picked up at your home, no charge.

Regular Spring Brush Pick Up will be scheduled at a later date.