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Annual Brockport Fire District Election – Dec 12

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The Annual Election of the Brockport Fire District will take place on Tuesday, December 12, 2023 between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. at the Brockport Fire District Station #3, 191 West Avenue, Brockport, New York 14420 for the purpose of electing one (1) Commissioner for a five (5) year term, commencing January 1, 2024 and ending December 31, 2028.

Only residents registered to vote with the Monroe County Board of Elections on or before November 20, 2023, shall be eligible to vote.
Qualified Candidates for District Office must file their names and their intent to seek the position of Fire District Commissioner, indicating the office and term for which they wish to run, with the Secretary of the Brockport Fire District, Debra Bax, at P.O. Box 131, Brockport New York 14420, no later than November 22, 2023. Candidates must be resident electors of the Brockport Fire District at the time of the election.

You can view the legal notice here.
If you require additional information, please contact the Brockport Fire District

UMPTEENTH Annual Holiday Party! Dec. 8

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Join us for our UMPTEENTH ANNUAL HOLIDAY PARTY on Friday, December 8th! 🎅🎄❄️
6:30pm – 8pm at the Stanley Pogroszewski Justice Court
For ages 10 & under – drop off a gift ($15 or less) to the Town Hall or Justice Court prior to 12/6. Please label the gift with your child’s name – Santa will give the gift to your child at the party

Nov. 1 2023 update on WIBA #1

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Nov 11, 2023 of Town of Clarkson Water Improvement Benefit Area #1:

The status on the Clarkson Water Improvement Benefit Area No. 1 (WIBA #1) provided to the Town of Clarkson by its engineers, MRB Group, is as follows:

The project has been submitted to all agencies for permits and approvals. Currently, we still need approval from Monroe County Water Authority as well as USDA Rural Development. We are also working to complete all the easement maps and descriptions that need to be obtained to construct the project. Based on the items left to be completed, we anticipate the project progressing as follows:

• Bidding of project start of 2024

• Construction of project beginning spring 2024

• Construction completed and cleaned up spring/summer 2025

As outlined above, this schedule hinges on obtaining the necessary easements and remaining approvals. Should those items take more time than anticipated to complete, the above schedule would be pushed back accordingly.

If you have any further questions on this project, please feel free to contact the Clarkson Town Hall at 637-1130 at any time.

Reminder: Brush & Junk Pickup Days

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Junk pickup days at the Highway Dept is coming up, on Friday, October 20th and Saturday, October 21st!
Our brush pickup will begin on October 23rd, and leaves pickup will be also be on the October 23rd, 30th, and November 6th.

You may also bring brush and leaves to the Transfer Station (3078 Redman Rd.) Wednesdays 2-7, and Saturdays 8-4.

Further information can be found below or on our Highway Dept page:
You can also download the flyer here.

Information Regarding Sept. 19th Special Meeting

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The Clarkson Town Board held a special meeting on Tuesday, September 19th, 6:00pm at the Stanley Pogrozewski Justice Town Court building to share information regarding the resignation of Town Councilperson Leslie Zink and the early retirement of Town Supervisor Christa Filipowicz. The special meeting was also required to appoint new members to fill these vacancies and authorize members to conduct business on behalf of the Town of Clarkson

Town Councilperson John Culhane called the meeting to order, and Town Clerk Susan Henshaw announced that she received written notice from Councilperson Zink and Supervisor Filipowicz of their intention to step down from their positions as of 9/13 & 9/19 respectively. Councilperson Culhane, on behalf of the residents of Clarkson, thanked Leslie and Christa for their years of hard work, dedication and service to the Town of Clarkson and wished them both the very best in the future

Councilperson Tom Guarino made a motion to appoint Ursula M. Liotta as Clarkson Town Supervisor and Councilperson Nick D’Amuro seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Supervisor Liotta was sworn in and led the remainder of the meeting

A motion was made to appoint Sharon S. Mattison to the board seat vacated by Councilperson Zink and was unanimously approved. Councilperson Mattison was sworn in.

Councilperson Culhane thanked Ursula and Sharon for stepping up to assume these roles on short notice

Other business conducted during the meeting included appointing John Culhane as Deputy Town Supervisor, authorizing the new Supervisor and Deputy to perform banking transactions on behalf the Town of Clarkson, and canceling the public hearing on the proposed local law #5-2023 scheduled for September 26th 2023 to allow the new board members to familiarize themselves with the details of the proposed legislation.