Would you like to help beautify Kimball Park on Ridge Road? Our wonderful lodge at the park is in need of some additional shade trees. Individuals or families can sponsor a tree which will be planted at the park by the Town’s seasonal parks employees. A marker will be placed at the tree base and a sign posted inside the lodge identifying the tree sponsor(s).
The town has made an arrangement for discounted pricing at Sara’s Farm Market for the purpose of this program. Trees range in price from $69 to $129 and are five to nine feet tall at planting. A menu of available trees is available at the Town Hall and below.
The tree sponsorship fees can be paid to the Town of Clarkson and the purchase will be made by the Town at the discounted prices available to the Town.
The following is a list of the top recommended trees for planting in our area as recommended by Sara’s. All are chosen for their ease of growth and maintenance, their tolerance to weather and soils, their resistance to insect and disease and mostly because of their great ability to enhance and beautify our local parks.
Item #1 Acer Maple ‘Autumn Blaze’ – $79 (Town Cost), 5-7′ at planting
Item #2 Acer Tatarian Maple ‘Pattern Perfect’ – $109, 5-7′ at planting
Item #3 Amelanchier Serviceberry, ‘Autumn Brilliance’ – $129, 7-9′ at planting
Item #4 Cercis canadensis ‘Eastern Redbud Tree’ – $79, 5-7′ at planting
Item #5 Crataegus laevigata English Hawthorn ‘Crimson Cloud’ – $109, 7-9′ at planting
Item #6 Heptacodium miconioides, shrub like ‘Seven-sons tree’ – $69, 5-7′ at planting
Item #7 Robinia pseudoacacia, Black Locust, ‘Lace Lady’ – $79, 7-9′ at planting
Item #8 Nyssa, Black Tupelo, Black Gum, ‘Wildfire’ – $109, 7-9′ at planting
Item #9 Malus, Crabapple, ‘Royal Raindrops’ – $79, 7-9′ at planting
Tree Sponsor Form